5 Benefits of Playing Dress-Up

5 Benefits of Playing Dress-Up

Children have glorious imaginations that can be absolute poetry in action. They can put on a simple hat and transform into a butterfly, a teacher, a construction worker, a member of royalty, or a ballet dancer – sometimes a mixture of several at once! As hard as it is for...

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Top Things to Consider When Buying a Car Seat

Top Things to Consider When Buying a Car Seat

  Your baby’s car seat is the most critical piece of equipment that you’ll buy for your child. All car seats have to meet specific safety requirements to go on the market, but some car seat manufacturers have included additional safety and comfort features that make each car ride a...

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Finding Time to be Active as Mom

Finding Time to be Active as Mom

Having children is the best, but they’re also really exhausting. It can feel like they’re literally running circles around you all day and still keeping you up at night. When’s a parent supposed to get some decent rest? When you’re so tired that the idea of getting your blood pumping...

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What to Give a New Mom for Valentine’s Day

What to Give a New Mom for Valentine’s Day

Ah, Valentine’s Day. The day to celebrate L-O-V-E. What was a highly anticipated holiday during courtship and those early days of marriage can feel completely different after Baby arrives. Let’s be real: sometimes it’s hard to feel attractive after giving birth, and closeness can feel like a thing of the past. Suddenly...

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