Mom Holding Swaddled Baby


Swaddling will be a nighttime savior during your little one’s first few months. Swaddle blankets provide the warmth, comfort, and security newborns need. Your baby will drift to sleep faster and deeper!

Wrapping your newborn securely in a swaddle helps prevent sudden movements that may wake or startle them. A snug swaddle can also keep them safe from maneuvering into dangerous positions.

While swaddles help keep them safe, you should still follow proper safety guidelines while using a swaddle blanket.

While using swaddle blankets, always follow these safety guidelines:

  • Lay your baby on their back, not on their stomach or side.
  • Ensure your baby’s crib is free of excess toys, blankets, and additional items that could pose a threat by accidentally covering your baby’s face.
  • Check on your little one during extended sleep periods to ensure they haven’t rolled over.
  • Once your baby has learned to roll over, stop swaddling.
  • As always, consult your baby’s doctor regarding the best swaddling and sleeping practices.

Swaddling or receiving blankets are great for soothing your newborn to sleep and keeping them asleep. You'll both enjoy restful nights with proper, safe usage.

Hazel & Fawn offers premium swaddle blankets, including Mushie, Mebie Baby, Clementine Kids, and other loved brands. You'll have peace of mind with these swaddles made from high-quality materials and thoroughly tested for safety. They're the softest swaddles on the market!

We specialize in organic swaddle blankets made with eco-friendly manufacturing standards. They're free of toxins and gentle on soft newborn skin. Choose from many colors, patterns, weights, and materials to find the best fit for your baby!

With a beautiful swaddle, your little one will be cozy and ready for naptime or nighttime.